Community Guidelines

Welcome to June Dating!

Our goal is to provide you with fun, meaningful, in-person experiences in a safe and inclusive space where anyone can be themselves. To help make that happen and set expectations for everyone’s behavior we’ve written these Community Guidelines. Importantly, they apply to all interactions with members of the June community, including outside of any June event you may attend, so please take them to heart! Not following these guidelines can have real consequences to your experience using our service – likely a gentle nudge, but a ban is also possible for serious offenses.

If at any point during an event you feel someone has violated these guidelines, text "HELP" to us and we’ll guide you through what to do next. If any violation occurs outside of a June event, please reach out to us at [email protected].

June Dating Rules

Stick around and participate for the entire event. To ensure a positive experience for all attendees, it’s critical that you play your part for the entirety of any event you attend and don’t leave other attendees hanging. Barring extreme circumstances, such as family emergencies or sickness, please fully attend and participate throughout any June Dating event you attend.

If you think that your date may be absent, text us "SOLO" and we’ll guide you through what to do next.

Communicate Respectfully. Talking to new people can be tricky, especially when you’re interacting with humans from all walks of life. Respect goes a long way to ensuring any first interaction with someone is a positive one. If a conversation goes unexpectedly awry and you find yourself getting upset or feeling frustrated, pause, take a breath, and reflect before you react.

Consider boundaries. Comfort levels vary from person to person. If you are in a private conversation, boundaries are what you and your conversation partners are all comfortable with and agree on. Consent matters.

Love, not Hate. Events facilitated through the June Dating platform are not places for hate of any kind. We would like to emphasize that we are adamant on this point and will not hesitate to ban users who do not live up to what we consider basic human decency. If you see someone who doesn’t meet your personal criteria, have a kind conversation, don’t match with them, and then move on! Please don’t report them unless you think they’ve violated our policies.

Make personal connections, not business ones. Don’t advertise, promote, sell, fundraise, campaign, or share your social handles to gain followers. This also means June Dating isn’t the place for any sort of sex work, escort services, or compensated relationships. So, no – don’t use June Dating to find your sugarmamma!

Be a considerate and honest member of the June Dating community. Don’t abuse June Dating. Don’t submit misleading reports. Don’t be disruptive during an event. Don’t sign up for more events than you can attend. Always treat all venue staff, customers, and event attendees with kindness and respect.

Just be you. People want to meet the real you, so be your genuine self.

Cancellation & No Show Policies

Full attendance throughout the duration of any June Dating event is critical to its success. Without full attendance, our ability to fulfill our commitment to other attendees is limited. It’s for these reasons that we outline our Cancellation and No Show policies below. Before registering for a June Dating event, please read them carefully and make sure you understand them in full.

Cancellation Policy

How to Cancel. If you need to cancel your attendance to one of our events, you can simply respond to any of our previous text messages to you with the keyword “CANCEL”. If canceling, please do so with as much advanced notice as possible.

If for any reason you’re unable to cancel by text message or you do not receive a text message reply from us confirming your cancellation, send us an email at [email protected] with the subject line “Cancellation” and make sure to include your name, phone number, and email address.

Refunds for Cancellations. As long as you are able to let us know 72 hours before the start of the event you’ve registered for, you’ll get a full refund.

Cancellation Fee. If you cancel within the 72-hour window before the start of an event, you’ll be charged a $30 Cancellation Fee.

No Show Policy

No Show Fee. If you don’t show up for an event you’ve registered for or leave an event before completing all your dating rounds, you’ll be charged a $50 No Show Fee.

Exceptional Circumstances

We recognize that sometimes life doesn’t go as planned and it’s our hope that our events are always fully attended and we never have to charge any member of the June Dating community a Cancellation or No Show Fee. In exceptional circumstances, we may waive a Cancellation or No Show Fee provided adequate documentation is given. If you have been charged a Cancellation or No Show Fee and believe your situation may constitute an exceptional circumstance, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Exiting a Date

June Dating events happen in the real world and, even though we require each member to agree to these Community Guidelines, an interaction with another attendee may still leave you feeling uncomfortable. If you feel your date has crossed a boundary or is otherwise behaving in a way that makes you uncomfortable, we encourage you to leave the date.

How to Exit. In addition to exiting a date as one normally would, to ensure you are not charged a No Show fee, please text us the keyword "EXIT" before the start of the next dating round.


As a member of the June Dating community, we encourage you to speak up and speak out. Examples of reportable offenses by attendees, both during and after an event facilitated by June Dating, include:

Harmful Behavior. Any act or behavior that suggests, intends, or causes harm to another member - either on or offline, physically or digitally - is strictly prohibited. This includes (but is not limited to) threats, harassment, bullying, intimidation, stalking, blackmail, doxing, sextortion, or anything intentionally done to harm, threaten, or coerce.

Hate and Bigotry. Any behavior amounting to racism, bigotry, hatred, or violence based on who someone is, how they identify, or what they look like is strictly prohibited. This includes (but is not limited to) derogatory statements relating to someone’s race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, age, ability, physicality, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

How to Report. If someone is causing you harm, behaving in a hateful manner, or otherwise violating our Community Guidelines, please report it. Your report is always confidential. For situations that occur during an event, you can text "HELP" to us and we’ll get in touch. For situations that occur outside of an event, you can send us an email at [email protected]. By reporting, you can help us protect others and maintain a safe, healthy community that is welcoming to all.


We take our Community Guidelines and the impact they have on our community seriously. We’re committed to doing everything we can to make sure your experience as part of the June Dating community is a positive one that enriches your life.