Venue Guidelines

Welcome to June Dating!

We are excited that you have chosen to host a June Dating event! Hosting these events is a great way to introduce new customers to your venue. Furthermore, providing a great customer experience to attendees not only benefits event attendees, but can also generate a recurring revenue stream for your business.

We deeply value our community, and partner venues and their staff are key partners in ensuring the quality, safety, and success of our events and the June community at large. Importantly, by hosting an event facilitated through the June Dating platform, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Community Guidelines, each of which is incorporated by reference into this Agreement. You also agree to comply with the Venue Guidelines outlined herein.

You agree that:

  • Right to Represent. You, as a representative or owner of the venue, have the legal and procedural right to agree to hosting an event at the venue.
  • Designated Point of Contact. You, or a member of your staff, agrees to serve as a Designated Point of Contact for June Dating.
  • Monitoring. Your Designated Point of Contact agrees to: i) be present for the entire duration of any June Dating event, ii) monitor for any safety concerns, and iii) promptly report any incidents to June Dating.
  • Safety. If an event participant notifies any member of your staff that they are in need of help, your staff will take such concerns seriously and, when necessary, take appropriate action to restore a safe environment.
  • Capacity. Your venue has enough space and seating to accommodate up to 16 additional customers and allow for their easy movement about the venue.
  • Accessibility. Your venue is easily accessible to all customers.
  • Cell Service. Your venue receives adequate cell service from major national carriers (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile) such that event participants and the Designated Point of Contact will have no issue sending and receiving SMS messages throughout the event.
  • Amenities. Your venue offers basic amenities such as restrooms, a bar, and/or a refreshment area.
  • Alcohol. Your venue will adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, including laws around the sale of alcoholic beverages if such beverages are offered by your venue. Your venue will not serve alcohol to customers who are visibly intoxicated.
  • Privacy. Your venue has a level of privacy or ambient noise sufficient for customers to have meaningful, private conversations.
  • Good Standing. Your venue has good standing and a positive reputation in the community and would not pose a risk to June Dating’s inclusive brand.
  • Cleanliness. Your venue is clean, well-maintained, and safe.

Marketing and Promotion

Your venue and June Dating may collaborate on marketing and promotion efforts for June Dating events. We may use your venue’s name and image for promotional purposes. You may withdraw your consent for this at any time.

Cancellation Policy

How to Cancel. If you need to cancel your hosting of a June Dating event, the event Designated Point of Contact can simply respond to any of our previous text messages with the keyword “CANCEL”. If canceling, please do so with as much advanced notice as possible.

If for any reason you’re unable to cancel by text message or you do not receive a text message reply from us confirming your cancellation, send us an email at [email protected] with the subject line “Cancellation” and make sure to include the name, phone number, and email address of the venues’ Designated Point of Contact.

Unexpected Events. Should something unexpected occur forcing the temporary closure of the hosting venue, such as an inclement weather forecast or flooding, we ask that any cancellation by the Hosting Venue be communicated at least 48 hours before the start of the June Dating event so we can promptly inform attendees of the cancellation and initiate their refunds.

Release of Liability

You acknowledge that June Dating is a platform for enabling events and does not have physical staff present at events facilitated through the platform. As outlined in our Terms of Use, you agree to release June Dating and its affiliates, and their and our respective officers, directors, agents, and employees from and against any and all complaints, demands, claims, damages, losses, costs, liabilities and expenses, including attorney’s fees.

Either party may terminate this Agreement with written notice if the other party breaches any material term of this Agreement. Upon termination, any outstanding obligations and responsibilities shall be fulfilled.